Riding during COVID-19 alert level 3
Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park is re-opening when we move to alert level 3 at midnight on Monday 27 April.
A very empty carpark on Monday 23 March.
All trails will be open, along with the carpark. The toilets and shower will not be open, and we recommend you don’t use the bike wash.
Ride by yourself or with other people from your bubble.
Keep a safe distance from others, particularly in the carpark and at the summit.
Stay home if you're sick
Don't stop right at the end of a track - give others space to get past.
Ride within your limits and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Stick to tracks you’re familiar with.
Be patient - no passing on singletrack - wait for a wide enough spot.
Be kind to one another.
We recommend referring to https://covid19.govt.nz and other trusted and accurate sources of information during this challenging time.