We provide the how-to, tools, gloves, witty humour, world class banter, food and drink. There’s no need to register, just turn up and work for as little or as long as you like.
We have three types of work parties:
Tree planting, which mostly takes place over the winter and early spring.
Planting releasing, which takes place in the spring and autumn. We hunt out trees that we've planted over the last 15 years and cut away any unwanted vegetation that’s impeding their growth.
Track building, refurbishments and maintenance. We run volunteer work parties year round on Sunday afternoons, rewarded by a BBQ sausage (supplied by Gipps Street Butcher), beer (supplied by Parrotdog) or a soft drink (supplied by the Supporters Club). Alternatively, join the Park Ranger on a weekday to help with maintenance around the park.
Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for work party details or otherwise contact us using the link below.
Pest control – KATCH
Can’t make the work parties or prefer to work alone in your own time? Why not join the volunteer predator control team who service bait stations and stoat traps in the park and the wider Karori environment.
Corporate work parties
Corporate work parties are great for boosting morale and team building. Bring your organisation out for a great day or half day of conservation or track work.