Planting season coming soon
Every winter our attention shifts from track building to planting, as efforts continue to re-establish and enhance the native eco-system at Makara Peak in support of our long term vision of a world class mountain bike park set in a restored native forest.
This winter we’ll be planting 1800 seedlings throughout the park, focusing our efforts in the areas around Zac’s track, Starfish, SWIGG and Trickle Falls valley and other spots around the park.
We’ll be planting a range of natives including Kamahi, Pukatea, Miro, Tawa, Hinau, Matai, Nikau, Kahikatea and many others thanks to Wellington City Council and Forest & Bird who are supplying this years seedlings.
As usual we rely on your help to make this happen. Planting bees start on the 1st of June and run fortnightly throughout winter, so if you like the idea of your grandchildren riding through a forest of towering natives, come along and lend a hand. We’ll post all the event details on the website as well as on Facebook.
Thanks to T.E.R:R.A.I.N - Taranaki Educational Resource: Research, Analysis and Information Network for the images below.